Thursday, October 16, 2008

Blessings of Friends

Today began as an ordinary Thursday, nothing very exciting: I woke up a little earlier to get some things accomplished before Sydnie woke up; I woke her up, actually at 7:30 gave her oatmeal pancakes, that is a blog in and of itself , "Where are the good wheat-free pancakes?", and then rushed around the house as quickly as possible to get her bathed and ready for school so we would not be late. It doesn't matter how prepared I am for the morning, we always end up with a rush the last 10 minutes :( Anyway, after dropping her off at preschool I decided to take advantage of the cool fall morning and go for a run. It was a nice interval run and the cool breeze was perfect. After my run I popped in to say "HI" to Laurin, my customary pop-in during the week. After a short visit I may Kayren for lunch before picking up Sydnie at preschool. As I said, it was not an extraordinary day of events, but one that truly made an impact on the blessings of friends. God has blessed us in San Antonio with friends who are as close as family and I am sorry I have not let them know often enough how special each one is to us. I know I am preparing to move to Rockwall and the life God has prepared for us, but it is becoming very difficult not to focus on leaving the treasures he has given us. I must remember, as should our friends, we are only 4-5 hours away. If we don't see them, there might be wrath to pay!! I may not get angry very often, I don't want to start now, so just know the interstate, whichever one it is, travels both ways and we are expecting guests, as you should expect us to visit as well.

Blessings to all.


Shannon West said...

seeing as my mom has just accepted a job in Oklahoma (for the time being), we'll be passing through occasionally... looks like Rockwall is about the half-way point of the 10+ hour drive!

how close are you to any of the area lakes? Shayne might be drawn that way if there's good fishin'! :)

Chera said...

We'll figure out something, for sure! ;o)

Julie said...

We go through at least once or twice a year. We'll have to figure something out.

Unknown said...

I hear promise in that and not threat- got it we will come to visit!!!! You can expect an annual trip to Nashville with 3 boys 2 girls and 2 crazy mommys! Ok maybe we will have to do that every other year to recoup from each trip : )