Friday, February 27, 2009

Muffin Recipe

I am adding a recipe, just because it is pretty good and finding good gluten free recipes isn't always that easy. I know, I still need to send out a lasagna recipe, so I'll look it up and post it next.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Muffins

3 eggs
5TBS. Brown Sugar
1TBS. oil
1/4 tsp. vanilla (I use a little more)
1/4 c. peanut butter (cashew butter works as well)
1/4 c. coconut flour
1/4 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt (I don't always remember this)
1/4 c. chocolate chips

Mix the wet ingredients, add peanut butter until well blended. A whisk works just as well as a mixer without the extra mess. Sift the flour and baking powder and add to wet ingredients. Add chocolate chips. Mix well and add to 6 lined muffin cups. Bake in pre-heated 400 degree oven for 13-15 minutes.

It's filling and really not bad :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

"My Twin"

Yes, you read the title correctly. Sydnie received a "twin" doll for Christmas from Nana and Pa. It has long curly hair, blue eyes, basically it looks like her-her twin. Well for the last several days Sydnie and her twin have been inseperable. She has gone to the store with us, to school to say goodbye, the playground. Everywhere that Syd can carry her. I noticed with her playing with her "twin" so much lately, I am having to do a double take when I see the "twin" in different places. It has been fun to watch and listen to Syd talk to and take care of her "twin". Truly a sweet exchange.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine Party

Sydnie's Valentine party was her first at her new preschool. She was soooo excited! When I arrived Ms. Amy was reading an Arthur Valentine story. The children were all sitting around the tables listening, or rather wondering when they could dig into their treats. I was very impressed how controlled and patient they were. After the story they handed out their treats to each other and took a few minutes to look through their Valentine bags. What a fun day!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Quick stories

Sydnie, our in-house comdian, shared these stories with us:

Mom! When the President is pregnant there is a new Build-a-Bear Dog coming out! Is he out yet?

I don't know anything about that Syd, I can't answer your question. (As I try to look serious and not burst out laughing.)

A weather report while playing outside:
Mom, there is a storm coming. It's headed east or west; something to do with the sun. I'll tell you if it changes.

Thanks for the report.

A few minutes later:
Mom, the storm is still coming. We'll have to close all the windows when I come in to stay dry.

We'll do.

I have some precious pictures that I won't post of Sydnie washing off her bike. You've heard of the topless carwashes? Well, yesterday she was the owner and operator of the "bottomless" bike wash. She sat in mud and water and decided it was not feeling good on her bottom, so she matters into her own hands and solved that problem. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Yes, I did take her some dry clothes so her bike wash was more reputable.

Through the eyes of a child....Enjoy your day.