Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy Holiday Season

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas! We had our first Thanksgiving dinner in Rockwall. Syd and I made squash casserole, sweet potato casserole, cranberry relish, honey biscuits, turkey and dressing. It was delicious, if I do say so myself. Of course, Tim and I enjoyed it more than Sydnie, who actually took one bite and ate no more. Oh well...

I braved the storm Friday morning, literally and figuratively. I left the house about 5:30ish and went shopping-by myself!!! It was chilly and rainy, but there weren't as many people out as I expected. I bought a couple of Christmas gifts and a few things we needed for the house or for us. Really exciting things such as lotion, soap (from Bath and Body Works, of course), running shoes, knives, and I went back for curtains. I know the excitement might be too much!! But, I was alone. The time was precious. I know Moms can appreciate the thought :)

Tonight we went to see Santa. The city of Rockwall sponsored the evening with free refreshments and goodies for the little ones. Sydnie was very excited, but also very nervous. I didn't think she would sit in his lap for the picture, but she came through. She asked for a Jr. Flexible Sled. What is this, you ask. I don't know. She has been asking for it for several weeks. I guess she is preparing early for the snow we will be having on Christmas.

We are trying to find our way around. Of course, I did get lost and so turned around today. Where is the GPS when you need it??? In the other car, duh. We did finally make it to the library and Syd actually received her own library card. She was as excited about that as she was seeing Santa!! She could hardly contain herself. The library is new and has a pretty good selection, from what we saw. It is much, much larger than what we are used to. Story time is 3 times a week, so I am sure we will be adding that to our week's activities.

We're thinking about our friends/family in SA. It is odd not seeing you every week, but you are thought of daily. We miss our family in TN and are thankful for each person.
God Bless!!

1 comment:

Chera said...

Sounds like you were in heaven as you shopped all by your self on Friday...I understand the feeling completely!! We miss you, but know you are just an email or blog away!! Love you!