Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"Real Snow"

Yesterday a cold front came through. In San Antonio, that means cooler weather for a day or so, then back to short sleeves or light clothing. In Rockwall, we are learning that may mean a little more. The wind was very cold and we had sleet last night. We woke up this morning and saw a little snow/ice on the roof. sydnie was soooo excited! "It snowed, it snowed! Can I go see it? " So she puts on her crocks and runs outside in her penguin pajamas to look at the snow. "I see it! It did snow. Real snow!" It really is the little things that we take for granted that give us joy, if we will stop and allow them.

Have a wonderful day. Enjoy your "snow" today.
(If I get the memory stick cleared off before it melts, I'll post a picture. I know everyone will want to see the snowdrifts....haha)


Tamra said...

We got a little sleet while driving home last night and that was a good as snow in my book. Ha!

Nedia said...

Hey Julie,Tim and Sydnie. Merry Christmas! If you all are ever in Alabama look us up o.k. I am glad the move went well. Thanks for remembering me. God Bless and hope you have a very Happy New Year in your new home!!
Larry and I are still doing well. Been married going on 18 year next May. Call or email anytime o.k. / 256-665-1508