Tuesday, April 21, 2009

WOW! We are progressing...

I have to let you know that in our battles with Sydnie, I am seeing progress...at least in one in particular. The weather today was beautiful. Sunny and warm. As always for school days, I picked out a couple of outfits for Sydnie to choose what she wanted to wear. I find this is the only way to get her to wear something other than play clothes. Anyway, today, since the temperature was forecasted to be in the 80s, I picked out 3 different skort outfits. (skirts with shorts connected underneath). She picked one, with only a little discussion and NO argument...what a happy beginning to the day. This afternoon as she was playing in her room, I went in to put something away, and she said, "I like wearing skorts. They really aren't so bad." I could have fainted. To most, this seems very silly and we must have quite a boring life if I must blog the day we wear a skort willingly. However, such is not the case, at least not in our lives. Since Sydnie was 2 she has been VERY opinionated regarding the clothing she would and would not wear. She went through a period of wearing skirts, dresses and skorts, and then it all came to a stop...until today. Dresses are still not high on the list, but the battles have proven to work. The war is not lost in the clothing department. Not yet, anyway :)

Food for thought: As you look in your closet tomorrow morning, think carefully what you pick out. I can guarantee there will be a little person somewhere who will ask her Mom, "If she can wear it, why can't I?"

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