Monday, March 9, 2009

Funny Sayings

I really should keep a miniature voice recorder handy for all times. I think, I won't forget that...but I do.

In the bath the other night, Sydnie was rubbing the soap on her legs to make "her skin skinny".

She was trying to get Daddy to do something, but he wasn't quite into her play, so I told her to say, "Please, just humor me, Dad." So she said, "Just humoree, Dad. What's that?!"

Weighing rocks (Syd is really into studying rocks lately) she put them on the kitchen scale and said, "Wow, Mom, that rock is 1 inch heavy!" Of course, it was about 1 ounce in weight. We're working on that concept.

There were many more I was planning to pass along, but unfortunately, they have gone to the Land of Words, never to be brought back again. (Since I don't think I'll remember them any time soon.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I want some of that "skinny" soap that you guys have