Monday, February 25, 2008

February 24, 2008

Sydnie has been complaining of a stomach ache off and on the last week. Usually after breakfast her tummy is better, but she is such the drama queen that all plans must stop immediately. Sometimes we can minimize the drama by going through the plan of the day and making a big deal of something she really wants to do. This morning was one of those mornings: she complained of a stomach ache and said she wanted to stay home with Daddy, so we talked about the showers today and going to church and what she would miss. When we mentioned the shower for Miss. Tamra she said, "That's ok if I don't go. I'll send her a box of tomatoes and sausage." Now where did that come from you ask? I don't have any idea. She picked out a cookbook and spring oreo cookies for her shower gift, but with this little one, we never know what she might say, so we expect anything!

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