Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Quick stories

Sydnie, our in-house comdian, shared these stories with us:

Mom! When the President is pregnant there is a new Build-a-Bear Dog coming out! Is he out yet?

I don't know anything about that Syd, I can't answer your question. (As I try to look serious and not burst out laughing.)

A weather report while playing outside:
Mom, there is a storm coming. It's headed east or west; something to do with the sun. I'll tell you if it changes.

Thanks for the report.

A few minutes later:
Mom, the storm is still coming. We'll have to close all the windows when I come in to stay dry.

We'll do.

I have some precious pictures that I won't post of Sydnie washing off her bike. You've heard of the topless carwashes? Well, yesterday she was the owner and operator of the "bottomless" bike wash. She sat in mud and water and decided it was not feeling good on her bottom, so she matters into her own hands and solved that problem. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Yes, I did take her some dry clothes so her bike wash was more reputable.

Through the eyes of a child....Enjoy your day.


Chera said...

Oh my word! She is just too funny...we miss her!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

How adorable - what a busy little mind!! Your post made me laugh. Hope things are settling in for ya'll up there.

P.S. Not sure what happened with my first comment.