Monday, December 24, 2007

December 23, 2007

Today after church we stopped for Rudy's Bar-B-Que-the indians were restless and wouldn't wait for lunch to cook. "I'm Starving!" was the chorus on the way home. So we arrive home, just a short distance that seemed much longer, and one little girl starts opening the bag ready to serve herself! I must give her credit, she is resourceful and quite independent-she won't starve. We sit down to eat and the conversation went a little like this:

Sydnie : I want some of that sauce. Is that the sauce that is hot? I want some of that sauce that makes my mouth hot.

Mom: Yes, Syd that is the sauce that comes with the turkey. I'll put a little on your plate and you can dip your turkey in it.
Syd: Good. That's the sauce that makes my mouth hot? I want that sauce.
Mom: Yes, Syd that is the sauce. Try a little first.
Syd takes a bite and breathes in a deep breath cooling off her mouth: That's delicious!
She continues to takes many quick bites, trying to cool off her mouth with air and water after each bite.
Dad: Syd if that sauce is too hot, take a break and just eat the turkey.
Syd: OK, Dad. (takes another bite and her eyes begin to water)

She finished eating her turkey with ketcup mixed in her sauce to give her mouth a chance to cool down. :)

Out of the mouths of babes, literally!!

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